"wai-ai-ai-ait Mr. Postman..."
Since the Guatemalan postal service has been described as "unreliable," we've found a way to ensure that your packages and letters get to us safe and sound (yay!).
Instead of addressing your mail directly to us in Guatemala, you can save money on international postage and ensure peace of mind by mailing it to the San Lucas Mission Office in New Ulm, Minnesota. Just call the Minnesota office at 507-359-2966 and ask to speak to Kathy Huebert, who will be able to put you in touch with the next group of short-term volunteers willing to bring a package down for us in their suitcase :)
Things we would love to get in the mail:
1. letters and cards (it's so nice to get a hand-written note once in a while)
2. insect repellant (they don't sell it here, and we're getting eaten alive!)
3. cookies (enough said)
4. dvds (we would looove to have something to watch on Shom's laptop! We don't have a TV, there is no movie theater or movie rental store in town, and the only dvds they sell in the town market are pirated copies of karate movies, horror movies, cartoons, and soft porn... So, if you have the ability to burn dvds or you want to get rid of an old movie, send it our way!)
Cookies?!? What sort? ~xoxo, Mom
will do....
did Shom get my e-mail with it's Atitlan link?
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