Last Sunday, Kate, Shom, Vicente, Dominga, and I led a day of training for the 3rd year health promoters. The topic? Gastritis and the digestive system. Shom's creative approach? Dissecting a chicken! (You should have seen the look on the lady's face when we went to her chicken shop and asked to reserve two chickens with the guts still in them!) Here are some photos from our "practice" dissection at our house on Saturday, and some of the real thing on Sunday. After the training session, the two students with the best quiz scores each got to take home half of the chicken!

Us, trying to find the stomach...

Our roadmap.

Now we know where everything is, we're ready for the training!

Shom and Dominga, teaching about chicken guts.

Kate, explaining gastritis and acid reflux in
1 comment:
Hi Sweetie,
This is great! Charming, amusing...and the picture of you in surgeon's gown and gloves is priceless. My daughter, who used to get woozy at the sight of blood on a skinned knee!
But I have a question....who got the OTHER half of the chicken?!?
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