Last week, Shom and I had some visitors... My mom and my brother Andrew came to spend a week with us here in Guatemala! We had such a wonderful time, having fun and being tourists together. Here are some photos I took during the trip:

Mom, standing in front of the "
chicken bus" we took to Santiago Atitlán, another of the towns along Lake Atitlán.

After visiting Santiago, we took a boat across the lake to Panajachel, and this is the gorgeous view! To the left in the distance, you can see Volcán Tolimán, and to the right you can see Volcán San Pedro.
The colorful market of Chichicastenango.
Visiting the ruins of Iximché,
kingdom of the Kaqchikel Maya people.

This is a photo of Andrew on our hike of Volcán Pacaya... we got to see lava (in the distance)!
We also enjoyed New Years Eve fireworks in Antigua, the perfect ending to a fantastic week.
Great Fun & Great Pictures !
We are so excited about our visit too !
How special!
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